Wednesday, October 26, 2005

oh dear... it's that time of the year again...

I don't really understand why I do this. every year, this happens once or twice. I get the very strong urge to install linux in at least one of my computers... this urge is always triggered by whenever suse released a new edition of their linux. this time, suse went completely free and they provide their opensuse distribution, something similar to what redhat did with their fedora.

suse provides a new distribution every six months. this is their first completely free one. I have always been a suse fan. I always thought that the suse desktop was always better than anything else. also, suse use to be (and probably still is) the strongest (ok, or second strongest) linux distribution in europe.

ok then, this how it (always) goes:

  1. I download the dvd
  2. I back-up all of my important files
  3. I install suse, with it reserving usually 15GB of my precious hard disk space (especially in a laptop)
  4. I am impressed by suse! champaign on ice!
  5. I convince myself that I can do anything with suse without the need of paying any money to that blood-sucking software houses. (especially Microsoft, since it is the face of all that is evil to linux enthusiasts...)
  6. It takes me days to set-up a completely working system and this happens because I just CANNOT STAND everything in my computer to not work in perfection
  7. I start working with linux
  8. I start getting the first problems... I again remind myself that both of my supervisors work in ms-office and I always receive this .ppt or .doc file that just won't render correctly in openoffice!
  9. and then I have to plot the results... and I cannot but just reminisce the user-friendliness of Origin...
  10. I start to think that Windows is better that Linux because I'm more productive in windows... I realise the significance that windows have played in spreading computer usage to a broader audience
  11. gradually, I loose interest in linux and silently work again in windows...
  12. i regret the time I've spent in installing linux and the space I have sacrificed in doing so...
  13. after one to two months I just don't logon to linux any more
  14. I uninstall suse, saying that I won't do this again...
and now, here I am still thinking of doing the same thing I have done and regretted for so many times... installing the next suse release. is it worth the hassle? being the geek I am... OF COURSE!

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