Friday, December 30, 2005

Jehovah's Witnesses, Sushi and Cinema at last!

yesterday I went to see my first movie in Japan, Memoirs of a Geisha. it was enjoyable but maybe not great. I liked the way the japanese life was portrayed. I was very curious to see how our japanese friend would feel about the movie and she liked it. so, I am happy! a funny highlight is that after the movie ads (which btw have a good time lag behind the US and Europe screenings!), a small movie merchantise object was advertised. the peak moment was a pen for The Legend of Zorro which had Kathrin Zeta-Jones. BUUUUT... if you moved it, it would reveal her bikini! all of the foreigners laughed hard at that time...

before that, one missionary from Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on my door. a japanese member with using fluent english. sentence patterns like:

- are you a christian?
- yes
- you are so lucky!

took place. it was funny. the bad thing is that I don't really care about missionaries and stuff, since my "official" religion has declared them as heretics. but she was so polite that I just had to play along. fortunately, our connection from my video-phone was lost and I could just go back to sleep...

after the movie we went to a sushi bar and it was great! the fish was of excellent quality! all three of us enjoyed the food a lot. we also had the very very good part of the tuna. and it was extremely cheap. things like that just reaffirm the fact that life quality in japan is so so good.

a great day overall. if only I could start working...


Anonymous said...

no posts about women in japan;)

kzarog said...

hmmm... I should stop letting anonymous comments :P

Anonymous said...

that wasn't me though! ;)